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Charles is disgusted by the noisy saloon and its foul-mouthed patrons. The Garveys arrive and move in right behind the Ingalls family, though Jonathan initially cannot find a job. The Olesons surprise the Ingalls and Garvey families when they move to Winoka as well. Nels takes a job at the saloon and they move into the rooming house next door, all of which are also owned by Standish.
For the first time since their original TV broadcast, all 24 season 1 episodes are now presented complete and uncut, and newly restored and remastered for optimal picture and sound quality! In this ultimate season 1 episode guide, you’ll relive all of the heartwarming adventures and learn some new facts along the way. Some of our favorite facts and tidbits came from Alison Arngrim’s autobiography and Melissa Gilbert’s memoir. More than 18,000 people gathered for the Little House on the Prairie cast reunion and festival celebrating the show's 50th anniversary at a park in Simi Valley, California, not far from Big Sky Ranch where much of the series was filmed.
A female campaigner for the equal rights of married women comes to Walnut Grove, looking for signatures on a petition to be submitted to the state legislature. The men are all reluctant to sign, including Nels, who is in the middle of another big disagreement with Harriet. Charles and Almanzo also oppose it, even though they believe in equality and joint ownership in their own marriages. So Caroline moves out of the house and organizes other wives in a mass 'walk out' from their matrimonial duties. Eventually, the husbands, led by Charles, decide that they can support the petition, and marital peace and harmony is restored. In this three-hour special, the Ingalls family spends Thanksgiving reminiscing their past years in Walnut Grove (via clips from previous episodes).

Episode Guide – Season 1
The show features guests and conversations regarding life lessons learned from the iconic TV show, which lasted nine seasons. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, we asked this “prairie head” to run down his definitive 10 episodes. "In the late summer of 1889", Almanzo and Laura's newborn son dies overnight from no obvious cause after having been proclaimed healthy by Doc Baker when he delivered him.
They do not include the special features present on the earlier non-remastered releases, but rather seasons 1 through 6 each contain a roughly 15 minute segment of a special called "The Little House Phenomenon". Seasons 8 & 9 contain the three post-series movie specials as extras, with "Look Back to Yesterday" and "The Last Farewell" appearing on Season 8, and "Bless All The Dear Children" appearing on Season 9. None of the available releases of the series contain "The Little House Years", which was a three-hour Thanksgiving special aired during Season 6 that largely consisted of flashback clips.
The pilot film inspired a miniseries in 2005 which was also heavily inspired by the novels of the same name. The three movie specials listed below were produced to tie up loose ends to storylines on both the two main series and those opened up in Hello and Goodbye. NBC owns ancillary rights and thus is the worldwide licensor for home entertainment rights as well. Sister company NBCUniversal Television Distribution (now renamed as NBCUniversal Syndication Studios since 2021) also distributes the series internationally with MGM Television handling international distribution sales.
As the townspeople battle to find a way to rescue her, Lars Hanson clashes with the man he blames for the death of the woman he loved. Gilbert played Laura for nine seasons, growing up from the little girl in braids to a married mom. She has starred in TV movies and series, appeared on "Dancing with the Stars," wrote two memoirs, served as the president of the Screen Actors Guild, and acts in plays and musicals. He explains to Charles that, because of Uncle Ned’s eccentric lifestyle, his whole estate amounted to nothing – just a box containing worthless Confederate money.
This article provides information about the different heirloom corn varieties that Pa may have planted and the ways that the Ingalls family and other pioneers used corn in their everyday lives. Baker performs surgery and removes Mrs. Oleson’s appendix in this story. However, in Season 6 Episode “The Faith Healer” he asks that the boy be sent to a city hospital for the same procedure. We also hear him mourning his lack of surgical skills in Season 8 Episode “Dark Sage” as he compares himself to Dr. Ledoux.
'Little House on the Prairie' child star says set was like 'Mad Men': 'Cigarettes and glasses of gin' - Fox News
'Little House on the Prairie' child star says set was like 'Mad Men': 'Cigarettes and glasses of gin'.
Posted: Sat, 23 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Willie graduates and his mother expects him to go on to college, but Willie has fallen in love with his girlfriend Rachel Brown, and wants to marry and take over the running of the family's restaurant. Mrs. Oleson opposes his plans and cruelly insults Rachel, and when Willie stands up to his mother and defends Rachel against her, she vows not to show up at the wedding. In the event, she does go, but theatrically dressed in black funeral clothes. Nels later reminds Harriet that his mother similarly opposed their marriage, and he says he has never regretted it.
Eliza Jane recommends Laura, despite her being two weeks short of the minimum age of 16, and she passes her teacher's exam and is given her teacher's certificate and the position. Almanzo drives her to the town where she will teach and stay with the injured teacher. When Almanzo sees her after her first week, he begins to think he may have romantic feelings for Laura, which confuses him.
Meanwhile, Charles has his own problems with Laura as he tries to fit a new picture window in the house. Charles is elected to represent the farmers of Hero Township at a Grange convention in Milwaukee to consider a proposal that farming machinery should be bought directly from manufacturers, saving money for the farmers. At the same time, Caroline gets an invitation to the 25th anniversary reunion party of her school class of 1856 in the same city, so Charles and Caroline travel there together. They find that some of their old classmates have become financially prosperous, and are on the other side of the proposal by the Grange. However, they are saddened by the state of some of the marriages of their old friends. When they return home, they agree that they are the ones who are really successful and prosperous – with the love of their family.
When the baby dies soon afterwards, Laura is crushed with guilt, and Reverend Alden advises that she needs to get closer to God. So Laura runs away from home and climbs a mountain, where she prays to God that she should take the place in Heaven of her baby brother so that the baby may come back to life. As Charles and Mr. Edwards search for Laura, she is looked after by Johnathan, a heaven-sent stranger (Ernest Borgnine) who helps her realize how much she really means to her father. When Reverend Alden (Dabbs Greer) asks for donations for a bell for the church building, Mrs. Oleson announces that she and her husband will donate a large bell, along with a plaque with their names on.
There are multiple DVD sets which are noticeably different from one another. The original DVD sets sold in the U.S. and Canada were released in conjunction with NBC Enterprises (later NBC Universal in 2004) by Imavision Distribution, a company based in Quebec. A majority of the episodes in the original North American DVD versions had scenes cut from the episodes—these were derived from the syndicated television versions by Worldvision Enterprises, the series' former distributor. Other episodes (especially in Season Eight) were time compressed and are NTSC-converted video prints from UK PAL masters, while others were derived from 16MM syndication prints, also from Worldvision. Only a handful of episodes in the original sets were in their original uncut versions. The first three seasons of the old sets notably are also missing closed captioning.

Previously, Caroline had scratched her leg on a piece of baling wire, and the minor scratch turns into a serious infection. Unable to summon help, she is about to succumb to her illness, but she is inspired by a passage in her Bible to perform a painful procedure, which later impresses even Doc Baker. This episode opens with Jack at the creek getting himself a drink of water and then running back towards the house. This video clip is the same opening scene, music and everything, as the opening of the episode “Country Girls”.
James is shot and critically wounded, and the doctor tells Charles that the injuries are potentially fatal. Charles and Mr. Edwards, and later Albert, against Charles' orders, set out to track down the villains. Louisa gives birth to a healthy baby boy but then dies in childbirth. Camp resident Helen Andruss is due at virtually the same time as Louisa and she and her husband Sherman are distraught over the possibility of a breech birth - an almost always fatal condition at the time.
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